Aranui 5: Passenger Freighter Back in Time

May 26, 2018

The Aranui 5 is a half-freighter and half-passenger ship plying the waters from Papeete, Tahiti through the Tuamotus Islands and onto the Marquesas Islands, known as the “Land of Men.” Once in the Marquesas Islands, you will visit seven of the Marquesas Islands, many of which are only accessible by boat.

Other than where the ship goes, what makes it so unique is that the crew is all Tahitian (mostly on the passenger side) and Marquesan (mostly on the freighter side.)

The trip is 2-weeks departing and returning from Papeete, Tahiti. In addition to stopping in the Tuamotus Islands group and the Marquesan group, you also visit Bora Bora and Moorea. This is a trip of total immersion into the culture, dancing, tattooing, history with modern updates, and being with the local people of the islands. It is a trip unique in the world now that freighters, for the most part, no longer carry passengers.

With only two days at sea, all the remaining days you are exploring islands, meeting the locals (lots of children, too), watching traditional crafts being made, and walking or hiking to amazing vistas and cultural locations. 

A few years ago, Sara Tucker, interviewed me about French Polynesia, the Marquesas Islands, and the Aranui 5 for Here is the link to this wonderful writer’s story of her interview with me and why! It is fun to read: 

If you have two weeks, and you love experiencing great cultures in an immersion way, you will love the Aranui 5!

When you want to know more about the Aranui 5, French Polynesia, the South Pacific, Australia or New Zealand, then give me a call!

Cheers! Have a great week!

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